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Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar on ‘Big Picture Mentality in Islamic Finance’

In this world, we have two options, basically.

We could be very much of big picture mentality or we could be very much focused on small, small things; technical aspect of things.

We can be very technical, we can be very literalist, or we can be a bit above the board to see the issues at hand from the overall perspective – if you like, from the 360-degree perspective, helicopter view of any issue that we are faced with.

Some people, they like to be very literalist and very technical and they are very much motivated to examine, to argue and debate on the very technicalities of things; 1+1 should be 2.

This is not wrong, to be honest, but in some cases, we have to be above that kind of mathematics because mathematics does not solve all the problems.

We have to bring the art and the science to the whole discussion.

Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar on his book – 25 Hours In A Day

Working across the globe in my heavy travelling schedule, one aspect which is more challenging would be the time management.

As you know, we cannot manage the time, we have to manage ourselves in relation to time.

So, I have developed a deep observation of how I could manage my own time, not only to save the time and to salvage the time, but also to create new units of time and this is very, very crucial because in order for you to take more assignment, to take more work and to take more activities and to achieve your own dream, personal or otherwise, you have to have more time in your lifetime.

Pengertian Bank Syariah – Nurul Farhan Osman

Pengertian Bank Syariah

Apabila kita menyebut berkenaan pengertian Bank Syariah sudah pasti terlintas di benak fikiran kita bahawa secara umumnya ia merupakan sebuah institusi atau organisasi perbankan yang mana transaksi dan urusniaganya adalah berpaksikan kepada prinsip Syariah.

Oleh itu, tiga prinsip utama yang menjadi tunjang muamalat maliyah yang digariskan dalam Islam adalah ia haruslah bebas daripada sebarang elemen riba, gharar dan maysir.

Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar on ‘Mainstreaming Islamic Finance’

Islamic Finance has been in this world, in the modern history of financial systems in the last forty years; almost four decades.

And everyone and every stakeholder has been hoping to see Islamic banking finance to be operational on the centerstage of the world financial system.

I don’t think we have achieved that level, as yet, but it does not mean we cannot be putting the hope and aspiration to make this Islamic banking finance one day on the centerstage of the financial world.

Islamic Finance in Kazakhstan

So if we speak about the Islamic Finance in Kazakhstan and the CIS region we can say that there is a very big demand for the Islamic financial products within the nations in this region.

And particularly, the Kazakhstan is leading in terms of the legislation.

It has developed the full legislation allowing for the Islamic banks, the Takaful companies which wants to make activities in this region and the legislation is developed for issuing Sukuk in Kazakhstan.

And now there is a very big initiative of Astana International Financial Center, which is working very close with the DIFC (Dubai International Financial Center) and it will be the similar platform to develop Islamic finance products and which can be the hub for the region to attract and to develop the Islamic Financial products.