islamic finance

Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar on the need for Shariah scholars to be involved in Islamic banking. Many are wondering, “Why do we need a Shariah discipline and Shariah scholars to be involved in the whole…

8 years ago

Ainul Azura Zakiyudin on Islamic Microfinance Islamic Microfinance is a type of banking services that focus to a target group of low income individuals or…

8 years ago

Nurizzaatirah Rosli on Takaful The word Takaful is derived from the Arabic verb ‘kafalah’ which means to take care of one’s need. It…

8 years ago

Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar on the topic of ‘One Shariah solution fits all’ One solution which fits all is not part of the Shariah – in the last 15 centuries, in the…

8 years ago

Benjamin Clarehugh on SRI Sukuk Socially responsible investment sukuk, or SRI sukuk, are a new and upcoming type of investment in Islamic finance. Many…

8 years ago

Nurul Farhan Osman on “Shariah Compliance” Can you see any similarities between human body system and Shariah? Well, Shariah is an apparatus which integrates all…

8 years ago

Maya Marissa Malek on “Shariah Standard on Gold” Shariah standard on gold How do you sell gold for cash in a Shariah compliant manner? This is the…

8 years ago

Maya Marissa Malek on ‘Socially Responsible Investments (SRI)’ Socially Responsible Investment, or SRI; Social Impact Bond, or SIB; Green Bond, Green Financing, are the buzz words in…

8 years ago

Idris Mojaddidi on “Aqd or Contract in Islamic Finance” Contract or aqd is Islamic commercial law means to tie or to bind because the contract is binding between…

8 years ago

Idris Mojaddidi on “Istisna” Istisna’ is an Arabic word which means ‘request to construct’ and technically it refers to an agreement to sell…

8 years ago