islamic finance

Idris Mojaddidi on “Shariah Supervisory Board” According to the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI), Shariah Supervisory Board is an independent legal…

8 years ago

Wan Hafizi Wan Halim on “Why Conventional Insurance is not compatible in Islam” Let us start by understanding some of the "main" elements which are prohibited from the Shariah point of view.…

8 years ago

Wan Hafizi Wan Halim on “Halal Banks” Can a Bank be Halal and Islamic at the same time? Well to me it can because Banking activities…

8 years ago

Wan Hafizi Wan Halim on “Takaful” Conventional insurance is not compatible in Islam, because it involves with some of the elements which are clearly prohibited…

8 years ago

Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar on “Shariah Scholars and Shariah Boards” Some stakeholders of the Islamic Finance industry somehow believe that a Shariah scholar cannot sit on more than one…

8 years ago

Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar on Amanie Advisors Amanie Advisors is a Shariah Advisory firm which is operating at the international level. It was setup in the…

8 years ago

Aiman Aizuddin on Shariah Audit Shariah Audit is a way of assessing or ascertaining whether the practice of the financial institutions conforms to the…

8 years ago

Aiman Aizuddin on “Riba” WHAT IS RIBA? Riba is an Arabic term which means usury or oppression, or most commonly referred to as…

8 years ago

Aiman Aizuddin on Islamic Banking Islamic Banking is a way of banking which conforms to the rules and principles of Shariah. By saying this,…

8 years ago

Aiman Aizuddin on Interest WHY IS INTEREST HARAM? The important question whenever we speak about Islamic finance is, why is the element of…

8 years ago